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6. 优胜者将获得《英语世界》2018年第3期杂志1本(加盖《英语世界》编辑部章);附加题答对的优胜者中排名第一的还将获得1本《柯林斯COBUILD中阶英汉双解学习词典》。

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A lot can be changed in a span of a year. A thousand lives can be moulded, a lot many lessons can be learnt and life can show its unpredictability. Even so, one year is enough to prove to yourself that you are worth the struggle that you undertake just to reap a momentary fruit of that labour. If fighting a new fight keeps us motivated each year, so be it. Here is wishing every fighter, struggling to make a break and succeed in life a memorable New Year. Do what you do best and don't trade your passion for fame but rather earn the fame through your passion. May your fight be fruitful this year and your name engraved in hearts of horde in the form of your work.

– Adhish Mazumder
