
Build a Global Community of Shared Future Free from Poverty



Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Barbados Publishes a Signed Article in Local Media on China’s Poverty Alleviation



13 April 2021


At a grand gathering held on February 25, 2021 marking China’s achievements in poverty alleviation and its model fighters against poverty, H.E. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China solemnly declared that, China has completed the arduous task of eliminating extreme poverty. China has completed eradication of extreme poverty – the first target of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – 10 years ahead of schedule.


Poverty is a chronic affliction of human society and a common challenge faced by the whole world. Poverty and its associated problems, including hunger, diseases, and social conflicts, are serious impediments to people’s pursuit of a better life, so the eradication of poverty has always been a wish to be fulfilled.


China is the world’s largest developing country, with a population of 1.4 billion. In addition to its weak foundations and uneven development, the nation had long been plagued by poverty at a scale and a level of severity that has rarely been seen anywhere else in the world. Over the past 100 years, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has united and led the Chinese people in the battle against poverty with unwavering faith and will. Especially since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, the Party Central Committee, with General Secretary Xi Jinping at the core, has fought a decisive battle against poverty that is unprecedented in scale and intensity. I would like to use a set of data to illustrate this great and arduous journey.


1. During the past 8 years, the 98.99 million people in rural areas who were living below the current poverty threshold all shook off poverty; all the 128,000 impoverished villages and 832 designated poor counties got rid of poverty.

1. 经过8年持续奋斗,到2020年底,中国现行标准下9899万农村贫困人口全部脱贫,832个贫困县全部摘帽,12.8万个贫困村全部出列。

2. The per capita disposable income of the rural poor increased from RMB6,079 in 2013 to RMB12,588 in 2020, up by 11.6% per annum on average.

2. 贫困地区农村居民人均可支配收入从2013的6079元增长到2020年的12588元,年均增长11.6%。

3. There are no dropouts from schools in the countryside due to financial difficulties; nine-year compulsory education is now available to all children from rural poor households, and the completion rate in 2020 was 94.8%.

3. 农村贫困家庭子女义务教育阶段辍学问题实现动态清零,2020年贫困县九年义务教育巩固率达到94.8%。

4. Basic medical insurance coverage of the poor is over 99.9%. Some 19.36 million impoverished people have been covered by rural subsistence allowances or extreme poverty relief funds, and 60.98 million by basic pension schemes for rural and non-working urban residents, achieving nearly 100% coverage.

4. 99.9%以上的贫困人口参加基本医疗保险;1936万贫困人口纳入农村低保或特困救助供养政策;6098万贫困人口参加了城乡居民基本养老保险,基本实现应保尽保。

5. Impoverished areas had gained 1.1 million km of reconstructed highways and 35,000 km of new railways. Over 98% of poor villages have access to optical fiber communications and 4G technology.

5. 全国贫困地区新改建公路110万公里、新增铁路里程3.5万公里。贫困村通光纤和4G比例均超过98%。

6. 99.48% of villages in 22 provinces and equivalent administrative units in central and western China had seen their own cultural centers completed.

6. 中西部22个省份基层文化中心建设完成比例达到99.48%,基本实现村级文化设施全覆盖。

7. A total of 10.21 million impoverished women have received skills training, over 5 million of whom have increased their incomes through activities such as handicrafts, crop and animal husbandry, housekeeping and e-business. Small-sum guaranteed loans and micro credit amounting to more than RMB450 billion have been provided to impoverished women.

7. 累计对1021万名贫困妇女进行技能培训,500多万名贫困妇女通过手工、种植养殖、家政、电商等增收脱贫。累计发放妇女小额担保贷款和扶贫小额信贷4500多亿元。

8. More than 7 million poor people with disabilities have been lifted out of poverty as scheduled. The systems for providing living allowances for poor people with disabilities and nursing subsidies for severely disabled persons cover more than 24 million.

8. 700多万贫困残疾人如期脱贫。困难残疾人生活补贴和重度残疾人护理补贴制度惠及2400多万残疾人。

Eliminating poverty is a challenge for all countries. Each subject to different national conditions and at different stages of development, countries adopt different poverty reduction criteria, methods and approaches. Bearing in mind its prevailing reality and understanding the nature of poverty in its domain, China has embarked on a path of poverty alleviation, with upholding the CPC leadership, and has accumulated several experience, including people-centered philosophy, highlighting poverty alleviation in the governance, eradicating poverty through development, pressing ahead with poverty alleviation based on reality, letting the poor play the principal role and pooling all resources to create synergy.


China’s approach may provides experience and options for other countries which want to speed up development and lift the living quality of their people. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres recently extended congratulations to President Xi on the occasion of the announcement of China’s successful efforts in the fight against extreme poverty. ‘This extraordinary result is a reason for hope and inspiration to the entire community of nations,’ the UN chief said.


While advancing poverty alleviation at home, China has always provided assistance to other developing countries to the best of its capacity. For example, we set up the China-UN Peace and Development Fund and the South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund, and helped establish agricultural technology demonstration centers in Africa, benefiting local people. At the same time, China has continued to seek greater synergy between the Belt-and-Road Initiative (BRI) and the 2030 Agenda. According to a World Bank report, BRI cooperation has the potential to lift 7.6 million people out of extreme poverty and 32 million out of moderate poverty.


As one of the countries that signed MOU on BRI Cooperation with China, Barbados remains China’s long-standing and true friend. China will continue to facilitate assistance to our friends, Barbados included, to together overcome challenges in their social and economic development, either providing vaccines and other PPEs during the Covid-19 pandemic period, or strengthening pragmatic cooperation in the post Covid era, as its capacity allows. With that, China and Barbados can march forward hand in hand along their ways to enable their peoples to live a prosperous life at an early date, which will jointly make due contribution to the cause of poverty alleviation for mankind, and ‘build a global community of shared future free from poverty’, as proposed by H.E. President Xi Jinping at the 2015 Global Poverty Reduction and Development Forum!
