Fifth International Symposium on Lexicography and L2 Teaching and Learning
Call for Papers
The 5th International Symposium on Lexicography and L2 Teaching and Learning & the 12th National Bilingual Dictionary Symposium, sponsored by the Bilingual Dictionary Committee, ChinaLex, will be held in early November, 2017, at Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin, China.
Theme: L2 Teaching and Learning and Dictionary Making in a Time of Globalization and Cross-Cultural Communication
Time: Early November 2017
Venue: Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin, China
Organizer: Bilingual Committee of the Lexicographical Society of China
Hosted by: Hebei University of Technology
Major Topics
1. Learner’s dictionary research, compiling and publishing
2. Learner’s dictionary and L2 (esp. ESL and C[hinese]SL) teaching & learning
3. Learner’s needs analysis and dictionary making
4. Learner corpus and dictionary making
5. Computer-aided and Internet-linked dictionary making and dictionary data access
6. Dictionary making and Multimodal language resources development
The working language for the Symposium is either English or Chinese. All those wishing to present a paper at the Symposium are required to submit an abstract within 300 words in English or 500 characters in Chinese for anonymous review by the deadline of July 10, 2017. The abstract can be written in either English or Chinese on any of the topics listed above. Please enclose with your contribution of the abstract the correct form of your name in English, a brief academic biographical sketch, mailing address, phone and fax numbers, and email addresses. Please submit your abstracts as email attachments to:, ensuring that you obtain confirmation of receipt from the Organizing Committee. Applicants will be notified by July 31, 2017 of the acceptance (or non-acceptance) of their abstracts. For those whose abstracts are accepted, please note that the deadline for receipt of the full paper is October 10, 2017.
Exhibitions of lexicographical products including print and electronic dictionaries as well as lexicographical monographs are planned during the Symposium.
Registration Fees
RMB900 (or US$150) per person (meals included)
RMB600 (or US$100) per person for postgraduate students (meals included)
Contact Information of the Organizing Committee
Email addresses: