第五章 加快基础设施互联互通
Chapter Five Expediting Infrastructural Connectivity
To strengthen infrastructural development, enhance external and internal connectivity, take forward the establishment of an infrastructural network with a rational layout, comprehensive functions, smooth connections and efficient operations, and provide solid support for socio-economic development in the Greater Bay Area.
第一节 构建现代化的综合交通运输体系
Section 1 Building a Modern Comprehensive Transport System
To enhance the international competitiveness of the PRD port cluster. To consolidate and enhance Hong Kong’s status as an international maritime centre, support Hong Kong’s development of high-end maritime services such as ship management and leasing, ship finance, marine insurance as well as maritime law and dispute resolution services, and provide such services to Mainland and Macao enterprises. To increase the overall capacity of international shipping services of Guangzhou and Shenzhen, further enhance the service capacity of infrastructural facilities including ports and fairways, form a complementary and mutually beneficial system of port, shipping, logistics and ancillary services with Hong Kong, and strengthen the port cluster’s overall international competitiveness. To focus on major coastal ports, and improve the cargo distribution and transport network of inland waterways, port railway lines and motorways, etc.
To develop a world-class airport cluster. To consolidate and enhance Hong Kong’s status as an international aviation hub, strengthen its role as an aviation management training centre, raise the competiveness of Guangzhou’s and Shenzhen’s airports as international hubs, strengthen the functions of airports such as those in Macao and Zhuhai, and pursue differential development and positive interaction of airports in the Greater Bay Area. To support the construction of the Three-Runway System at the Hong Kong International Airport as well as the reconstruction and expansion of Macao’s airport, carry out reconstruction and expansion works at the airports in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, etc., commence a preliminary study for the construction of a new airport in Guangzhou, and study the development of a batch of feeder airports and general aviation airports. To further expand the Greater Bay Area’s domestic and international aviation networks, and proactively take forward inter-modal code sharing service. To leverage Hong Kong’s strengths in financial and logistics services, and develop high value-added freight, aircraft leasing and aviation financing services, etc.. To support Macao’s airport in developing regional business aircraft services. To strengthen airspace coordination and air traffic management collaboration, optimise airspace structure, enhance the efficiency of the utilisation of airspace resources, and enhance air traffic management capacity. To deepen management reform in low-altitude airspace, expedite the development of general aviation, steadily develop cross-boundary helicopter services, and set up general aviation demonstration zones in Shenzhen and Zhuhai. To proceed with the setting up of airport economy zones in Guangzhou and Shenzhen.
To ensure the smooth flow of comprehensive external transport links. To improve comprehensive transport links connecting the Greater Bay Area with nearby provinces and regions via eastern, western and northern Guangdong. To take forward the construction of railway projects including those between Ganzhou and Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Shanwei, Shenzhen and Maoming as well as Cenxi and Luoding, take forward the preliminary work of regional routes including the railway between Guangzhou and Hai’an via Maoming and Zhanjiang as well as the railway between Liuzhou and Zhaoqing at appropriate junctures, and study the feasibility of further extending the railway between Guangzhou and Qingyuan. To progressively carry out expansion and modification works for busy sections of national motorways such as the Shenyang-Haikou Expressway (G15) and the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway (G4). To speed up the construction of major international land routes connecting the Pan-PRD region and countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations with Guangdong’s outbound motorways, the high-speed rails and express railway lines as the backbone, as well as Guangzhou and Shenzhen as the hubs.
To build a rapid transport network in the Greater Bay Area. To focus on connecting the Mainland with Hong Kong and Macao, as well as connecting the east and west banks of the Pearl River Estuary, build a rapid inter-city transport network mainly involving high-speed rails, inter-city railway links and high-grade motorways, and strive for reducing travelling time among major cities within the Greater Bay Area to one hour or less. To draw up a development plan for inter-city railway links in the Greater Bay Area, improve the backbone railway networks of the Greater Bay Area, speed up the construction of inter-city railways, and progressively plan urban railway transit projects in major cities of the PRD. To accelerate the construction of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge and the Second Humen Bridge cross-river link. To adopt new models for clearance procedures with a view to making better use of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. To take forward the planning and construction of new boundary crossings such as the Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point, the new Guangdong-Macao border access (Qingmao Boundary Control Point), Hengqin Port (exploring the relocation of the Cotai Frontier Port of Macao) and West Kowloon Station of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link. To strengthen Hong Kong’s and Macao’s transport connections with the Mainland, pursue the effective connection of various modes of transport including urban railway transit, develop a safe and efficient interchange system, enhance the handling capacity and clearance facilitation of control points in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and promote an efficient and convenient flow of people and goods.
To raise the standards of passenger and cargo transport services. To pursue the objective of seamless passenger interchange and cargo movements, improve the layout of major transport facilities, proactively connect railway trunk lines, inter-city railway lines and urban/suburban railway lines with airports, and enhance the cargo distribution and transport capacity of airports. To speed up the development of a Guangzhou-Shenzhen international integrated transport hub. To pursue public inter-city passenger transport service operations in the Greater Bay Area, and promote the use of a single ticket for all connecting trips and a single card for all modes of transport. To develop modern freight and logistics systems, and expedite the provision of railway-water, motorway-railway, air-railway and river-sea inter-modal transport, as well as “single cargo manifest” services. To accelerate the development of a smart transport system, and pursue an innovative integrated application of information technology, such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing and big data, in the field of transport.
第二节 优化提升信息基础设施
Section 2 Enhancing and Upgrading Information Infrastructure
To develop a new generation of information infrastructure. To expand the bandwidth capacity of broadband internet among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, make comprehensive planning for the next generation network based on Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), and take forward the IPv6 upgrading and transformation of backbone network, metropolitan area network, access network, internet data centre and support systems. To speed up the expansion of bandwidth capacities of international internet communication gateways, and enhance overall traffic handling capabilities. To promote the development of wireless broadband systems in the PRD city cluster, and achieve full coverage of free high-speed wireless local area network in hotspots and along main transport routes within the Greater Bay Area. To achieve full fibre access for the provision of fixed broadband services in cities. To develop an ultra-high-definition interactive digital family network.
To build smart city clusters. To take forward new smart city pilot demonstrations as well as the development of a national big data integrated pilot zone in the PRD, strengthen cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao on smart cities, explore the establishment of common standards, open up data ports, develop interconnected public application platforms, develop information infrastructure facilities including a comprehensive sensor network with full coverage and ubiquitous internet, a smart city spatiotemporal cloud platform and a spatial information service platform, and devote great efforts to develop smart transport, smart energy, smart municipal management and smart communities. To take forward the mutual recognition of electronic signature certificates, and promote the use of electronic signature certificates in fields such as public services, finance as well as trade and commerce. To jointly promote connections between electronic payment systems in the Greater Bay Area. To enhance the service capabilities of telecommunications enterprises, take various measures to achieve reasonable reductions in telecommunications service fees, facilitate reductions in long-distance and roaming charges for mobile phones among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, proactively launch a feasibility study on removing long-distance and roaming charges for mobile phones among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and lay the foundations of as well as provide support for the development of smart cities.
To enhance the level of cyber security protection. To strengthen the protection of communication networks, major information systems and data resources, enhance the reliability of information infrastructure, and raise the level of information security protection. To proactively promote the use of advanced technology in cities such as Hong Kong, Macao, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and facilitate the use of secure communications technology in government departments and financial institutions, etc.. To put in place a sound notification and warning mechanism for cyber and information security matters, step up real-time surveillance, notification and warning as well as emergency response, and establish a comprehensive cyber security defense system.
第三节 建设能源安全保障体系
Section 3 Developing an Energy Security Protection System
To enhance the energy supply structure. To vigorously carry out supply-side structural reform in the energy sector, improve the energy structure and network in the Greater Bay Area, and develop a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy supply system. To vigorously develop green and low-carbon energy, expedite the use of natural gas and renewable energy, progressively develop wind power resources, develop solar photovoltaic electricity generation and biomass energy with appropriate modifications in accordance with local conditions, develop the safe and efficient use of nuclear power, vigorously take forward the clean and efficient use of coal, control overall coal consumption, and continuously increase the ratio of clean energy.
To strengthen the energy storage and transport system. To step up the construction of the main grid that transmits electricity to the Greater Bay Area from peripheral areas as well as among cities in the Greater Bay Area, improve electricity transmission and distribution networks in towns, and enhance the transmission capacity and risk resistance capacity of electricity networks. To expedite the construction of large petroleum reserve bases in the PRD, facilitate the coordinated construction of new liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals and the upgrading of the storage and regasification capacities of existing LNG terminals, plan the construction of feeder pipelines based on the national natural gas backbone network, expand the coverage of oil and gas pipelines, and increase oil and gas storage and supply capacities. To pursue the construction of national coal reserve bases in Guangzhou and Zhuhai, and put in place a cascade system of coal reception, transit and storage. To explore ways to improve the electricity transmission networks and gas pipelines from Guangdong to Hong Kong and Macao, and ensure the safe and stable supply of energy to Hong Kong and Macao.
第四节 强化水资源安全保障
Section 4 Strengthening Protection for the Security of Water Resources
To improve water infrastructure. To uphold the priority of water conservation, and vigorously pursue works projects for saving and conserving water such as the utilisation of rainwater and floodwater resources. To enforce the most stringent system of water resource management, accelerate the enactment of legislation for the regulation of water volume of the Pearl River, and rigorously enforce the unified regulation and management of water resources of the Pearl River. To expedite the PRD water resource allocation project and the fourth Macao water supply pipeline works, step up construction works relating to the safety standard compliance of potable and emergency water sources and the prevention and control of environmental risks, and ensure the safe supply of water in the PRD as well as Hong Kong and Macao. To enhance cooperation and exchanges in water technology and resources among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.
To improve flood prevention and mitigation systems. To actively pursue major infrastructure works including the strengthening of seawalls and river banks of the Pearl River and its tributaries, and strive to improve the integrated prevention and mitigation systems for floods and typhoons. To strengthen the integrated management and protection of the Pearl River Estuary, and take forward the management of the system of rivers and lakes in the PRD. To enhance the internal drainage systems and water holding capacity in cities, develop and improve the flood and storm surge prevention as well as drainage systems in Macao, Zhuhai, Zhongshan, etc., and effectively solve the problem of urban flooding. To pursue reinforcement works for high-risk reservoirs and sluices, and comprehensively remove safety hazards. To step up hydrological and water resource monitoring at the Pearl River Estuary, jointly develop a system for disaster monitoring and warning, collaborative prevention and control as well as emergency response, and increase the ability to respond to disasters such as floods and storm surges.