第四章 建设国际科技创新中心
Chapter Four Developing an International Innovation and Technology Hub
To implement the innovation-driven development strategy in great intensity, deepen innovation cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, build an open community for coordinated innovation in the region that encompasses integrated development, pool together international innovation resources, enhance the innovation system and policy environment, focus on enhancing the capability for the commercial application of technological achievements, and develop a focused area of global technological innovation and a major source of emerging industries.
第一节 构建开放型区域协同创新共同体
Section 1 Building an Open Community for Coordinated Innovation in the Region
To strengthen cooperation in innovation and technology. To better leverage the functions of the Mainland/Hong Kong and Mainland/Macao Science and Technology Co-operation Committees, and promote the integration of Hong Kong and Macao into the national innovation system thereby enabling them to play more important roles. To fully leverage the technological and industrial strengths of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, actively attract and connect global innovation resources, and develop an open and interconnected system with reasonable layout for regional innovation. To pursue the development of the “Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Macao” innovation and technology corridor, explore policy measures to facilitate the cross-boundary and regional flow of innovation elements such as talents, capital, information and technologies, and jointly develop a Greater Bay Area big data centre as well as platforms for international innovation. To expedite the development of national innovation demonstration zones, demonstration bases for entrepreneurship and innovation as well as co-working space, support the establishment of mechanisms for their innovation and entrepreneurship exchanges with Hong Kong and Macao, share innovation and entrepreneurship resources, jointly improve the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, and provide more opportunities and better conditions for young people from Hong Kong and Macao to innovate and set up businesses. To encourage Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao enterprises and scientific research institutes to participate in international innovation and technology cooperation, jointly organize events on innovation and technology, support enterprises in setting up R&D institutes and bases for innovation incubation overseas, and encourage domestic and foreign investors to set up R&D institutes and innovation platforms in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. To support the establishment of the Belt and Road Life Science and Technology Advancement Alliance by relying on the China National GeneBank in Shenzhen. To encourage higher education institutions, R&D institutes and enterprises from other regions to participate in events on innovation and technology in the Greater Bay Area.
To enhance building of basic innovation capacity. To support the development of major technological infrastructure facilities, R&D institutes as well as innovation platforms in the Greater Bay Area. To progressively open up to Hong Kong and Macao the major national R&D infrastructure facilities and large-scale national R&D equipment located in Guangdong. To support relevant institutes in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to proactively participate in national technological programmes (special projects, funding, etc.). To strengthen applied basic research, and broaden the implementation of major national technological projects. To support the incorporation of measures of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in relation to deepening the reform of innovation systems and mechanisms into the pilot scheme of comprehensive innovation reform.
To enhance the in-depth integration of industries, academia and research. To develop a system of technological innovation built up primarily by enterprises, led by market forces and with an in-depth integration of industries, academia and research, support Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao enterprises, higher education institutions and R&D institutes in jointly developing quality collaborative platforms for coordinated innovation, and promote the commercial application of technological achievements. To implement the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao collaboration programme in innovation and technology and the Guangdong-Hong Kong Technology Cooperation Funding Scheme, and support the establishment of an innovation alliance of industries, academia and research in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.
第二节 打造高水平科技创新载体和平台
Section 2 Developing Quality Innovation and Technology Carriers and Platforms
To accelerate the development of major technological infrastructure facilities, platforms of cross-study as well as emerging frontier researches in the Greater Bay Area, and focus on raising the standards of basic research. To optimize the allocation of resources for innovation, and develop and nurture a batch of platforms for technological innovation for industries, manufacturing innovation centers and enterprise technological centers. To take forward the development of national innovation demonstration zones, progressively commence the expansion of national high-tech industrial development zones, and develop high-tech industrial development zones into regional nodes of innovation and key bases for the high-end development of industries. To take forward military-civilian integration in innovation development in the nine PRD municipalities, and support the establishment of a demonstration zone of military-civilian integration in innovation development. To support the development of major carriers for innovation such as the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park and the Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City, the innovation and technology base in Qingsheng of Nansha, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Industrial Park of Cooperation between Guangdong and Macao in Hengqin. To support the development of the five Hong Kong R&D Centres respectively for Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech, Textiles and Apparel, Information and Communications Technologies, Automotive Parts and Accessory Systems, and Nano and Advanced Materials, as well as the development of the Hong Kong Science Park and the Hong Kong Cyberport. To support the setting up of a platform for developing the traditional Chinese medicine science and technology industries in Macao. To take forward the development of Partner State Key Laboratories in Hong Kong and Macao.
第三节 优化区域创新环境
Section 3 Enhancing the Environment for Innovation in the Region
To deepen reform of innovation systems and mechanisms in the region. To study policies and measures to implement facilitation relating to immigration and customs clearance, working, living as well as the flow of goods within the Greater Bay Area, and encourage interaction and exchanges between technological and academic talents. To allow eligible higher education institutions and R&D institutes in Hong Kong and Macao to apply for Mainland technology projects, and use relevant funding on the Mainland as well as in Hong Kong and Macao according to the regulations. To support the setting up of special funding schemes for joint innovation projects by Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, commence cooperation in major R&D projects, and allow the cross-boundary use of related funds in the Greater Bay Area. To study and formulate a specialised plan to enhance the management of the cross-boundary use of medical data and bio-samples such as blood necessary for R&D cooperation projects in designated higher education institutions, R&D institutes and laboratories in the Greater Bay Area, and foster the research and development of clinical medicine. To enable Hong Kong and Macao R&D institutes in Guangdong to enjoy the same treatment as other Mainland R&D institutes, enjoy various national and provincial (Guangdong) policies in support of innovation, and encourage as well as support them to participate in Guangdong technology programmes. To initiate pilot projects for the securitisation of intellectual property (IP).
To promote the commercial application of technological achievements. To innovate the system as well as improve the environment, and develop the Greater Bay Area into a base for the commercial application of technological achievements with international competitiveness. To support Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in establishing in-depth collaboration in areas such as entrepreneurship and incubation, financial technologies, commercial application of technological achievements, international technology transfer and the technology services industry, and jointly develop platforms for the commercial application of achievements such as national level bases for the incubation of technological achievements and bases for start-up businesses and employment for young people from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. To develop a number of Hong Kong and Macao-oriented incubators of technology enterprises in the nine PRD municipalities, and provide convenience to higher education institutions and R&D institutes in Hong Kong and Macao to transfer and apply their advanced technological achievements. To support the setting up of a national demonstration zone for the transfer and commercial application of technological achievements in the nine PRD municipalities. To fully leverage the roles of capital markets and financial services of Hong Kong, Macao, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, etc., and join hands in developing a diversified, international and cross-regional system for innovation and technology investment and financing. To make great efforts in broadening channels of direct financing, rely on the regional equity trading market, and develop a supporting platform for technology, innovation and financial services. To support the engagement of Hong Kong’s private equity funds in the financing of innovation and technology enterprises in the Greater Bay Area, allow eligible innovation and technology enterprises to secure listing in Hong Kong for capital financing, and develop Hong Kong into a financing centre for high-tech industries in the Greater Bay Area.
To step up the protection and exploitation of IP. To capitalize on the IP collaboration mechanisms of Hong Kong/Guangdong, Macao/Guangdong and the Pan-PRD region, and strengthen cooperation in areas such as IP protection and training of IP professionals in a comprehensive manner in the Greater Bay Area. To step up IP administrative law enforcement and judicial protection, better leverage the roles of institutions such as the Guangzhou Intellectual Property Court, and strengthen law enforcement actions in key fields and sectors such as e-commerce as well as import and export. To strengthen international cooperation in areas such as IP creation, exploitation, protection and trading, and establish a comprehensive cooperation mechanism for cross-boundary IP cases. To capitalize on existing trading venues, promote IP transactions, and foster a reasonable and effective flow of IP. To launch market publicity on the regulatory regimes for IP protection and take forward the “No Fakes Pledge” Scheme. To leverage the radiating function of zones with a concentration of the IP services industry, promote the integrated development of high-end IP services and industries in the region, and promote alternative dispute resolution (including arbitration, mediation and consultation) as a means to resolve IP disputes. To fully leverage the advantages of Hong Kong in IP protection and related professional services, and support the development of Hong Kong as a regional IP trading centre. To continuously enrich, develop and improve the IP protection system that is conducive to stimulating innovation. To develop a mechanism and platform for the exchange and sharing of IP-related information in the Greater Bay Area.