


Doses of the coronavirus vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford could be available for purchase in India as soon as March, according to one manufacturer, in the first sign that the sought-after jab will make its way on to the private market.


一家疫苗生产商表示,由阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)和牛津大学(University of Oxford)研发的新冠疫苗最早可能于明年3月在印度上市,这是这款备受追捧的疫苗将进入私人市场的第一个迹象。


Serum Institute of India, the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer, has a licence to produce the shot and has already manufactured 40m doses. Once the job is approved for use, Serum will initially supply the Indian government but then expects to sell 20m-30m doses to private facilities, according to Adar Poonawalla, chief executive.


印度血清研究所(Serum Institute of India)——全球最大的疫苗生产商——拥有生产该疫苗的许可,并已生产4000万剂。该公司首席执行官阿达尔·普纳瓦拉(Adar Poonawalla)表示,一旦这种疫苗获准使用,印度血清研究所将首先向印度政府提供疫苗,但预计随后将向私人机构销售2000万至3000万剂疫苗。


“Everybody’s asking ‘When can I access the vaccine?’ I’ve told those guys it’s probably going to be March or April,” Mr Poonawalla told the Financial Times.




Pharmaceutical companies worldwide have already ramped up production of several experimental vaccines in anticipation of forthcoming regulatory approvals. Billions of doses are expected to be produced next year for governments that have signed forward purchase agreements to inoculate their citizens, starting with those most vulnerable to the disease.




In the UK, which last Wednesday approved the first Covid-19 vaccine for use, public health officials have said that vaccinations will be run by the NHS and that none of the government-procured jabs will be sold to private clinics.




Pfizer, the US pharmaceuticals group that has developed a Covid-19 vaccine with BioNTech, said recently that it had “no plans” to supply the jab to the private sector “for the foreseeable future”.




But the future availability of vaccines for sale privately in other countries, such as India, increases the likelihood of a secondary market developing for vaccines where locals or foreign visitors could pay for a vaccination if not eligible to be inoculated under their own government’s scheme.




“If it’s in the private market it opens up an inequity issue, you’re letting people jump the queue,” said Anant Bhan, health researcher at Yenepoya University in southern India. “At the end of the day, this is a pandemic and there is a requirement for a public health response.”


“如果疫苗出现在私人市场,就会引发不公平问题,你就是在让人们插队,”印度南部耶尼波亚大学(Yenepoya University)的卫生研究员阿南特·班(Anant Bhan)表示,“归根结底,这是一场疫情,有必要采取公共卫生应对措施。”


Serum expects the AstraZeneca vaccine to retail for about Rs600 ($8) in the private market in India. For the Indian government Serum has set a “philanthropic price” of $3 a dose, Mr Poonawalla said.




Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government has indicated it may need 300m doses before July 2021, with frontline health workers and the elderly given priority, but is waiting for the vaccine to be approved by regulators before it places an order, he said.


印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi)领导的政府表示,在2021年7月之前,可能需要3亿剂疫苗,一线医护人员和老年人将优先注射疫苗,但他说,政府正在等待监管机构批准疫苗,然后才会下订单。


Once the AstraZeneca shot is approved for emergency use in the UK, Mr Poonawalla expects it will be cleared shortly after by India’s regulator and could be rolled out by the government as soon as January.




AstraZeneca said: “The agreements with our partners around the world, including the Serum Institute of India, prioritise the supply to all governments and multilateral organisations in order to honour our commitment to broad and equitable access at no profit during the pandemic.”




Experts say India will face tremendous challenges in vaccinating its 1.4bn people. With more than 9.5m infections and 139,000 deaths, the country has the world’s second-highest number of coronavirus cases and the virus is spreading during the cold, polluted winter.




“Meticulous planning is necessary and that’s where India is the weakest,” said T Jacob John, former head of the department of virology and microbiology at Christian Medical College (Vellore).


“精心规划非常必要,而这正是印度最薄弱的地方。”前韦洛尔基督教医学院(Christian Medical College, Vellore)病毒学和微生物学系主任T.雅各布·约翰(T Jacob John)表示。


With cases still rising in India, he also warned that vaccine security could become an issue. “If there’s a scramble for a vaccine, that is asking for corruption,” he said. “If the vaccine is good, but the supply is low, crooks will come up with a black market supply.”


