双语:Saving Central Asia’s Ice Age Antelope

Saving Central Asia’s Ice Age Antelope



The saiga antelope has been around since the Ice Age, but poaching, habitat loss and mass die-offs had been catastrophic until conservation across Central Asia started working



Saiga antelope once migrated alongside woolly rhinos and mammoths across vast territories from the British Isles to Alaska. Between 45,000 and 10,000 years ago they were widespread in the northern hemisphere. Now the species’ range is mainly confined to the grasslands and deserts of Kazakhstan, and parts of Uzbekistan, Russia and Mongolia.




Known for its trunk-like nose, the saiga is classified as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Most people, however, only heard of it in May 2015, when more than 200,000 suddenly and mysteriously died in three weeks in Betpak-Dala, central Kazakhstan.By 2018, the number of adult saiga was around 125,000, down from over 1 million in the 1990s.


赛加羚羊拥有高高隆起的标志性鼻梁,已被国际自然保护联盟(International Union for Conservation of Nature,简称IUCN)列为极度濒危物种。2015年5月,在哈萨克斯坦中部的别特帕克达拉草原地区,20多万头赛加羚羊在短短三周时间内因不明原因突然死亡。也就是在那个时候,不少人才头一次听说了这种动物。到2018年,成年赛加羚羊的数量已经从上世纪九十年代的一百多万只锐减到了12.5万只。


Signs of recovery



Conservationists report that the saiga populations in Kazakhstan and Russia doubled in 2019, to an estimated 300,000 individuals. This is predicted to reach 500,000 in the next two years.




Munib Khanyari, a researcher at the University of Oxford’s Interdisciplinary Centre for Conservation, said the saiga’s recent recovery “is largely due to the amazing effort of NGOs such as Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity of Kazakhstan, government authorities like Okhotzooprom [the agency that protects Kazakhstan’s wildlife], and park rangers, who build awareness, conduct patrols and limit poaching activities. This is not to say poaching doesn’t exist – it does and is always being considered in conservation plans.”


牛津大学跨学科保护中心研究员穆尼·卡尼亚里(Munib Khanyari)表示,近来赛加羚羊种群数量的恢复“主要归功于哈萨克斯坦生物多样性保护协会、政府机构(例如哈萨克斯坦野生动物保护专门机构Okhotzooprom)和护林员的努力,是他们提高了民众对动物保护的认知,开展了大规模巡逻并遏制了偷猎活动。这并不是说偷猎行为不存在了——它一直存在,而且需要时刻被纳入保护行动计划之中。”


Conservationists are also cautiously optimistic after reports in June of a mass calving in the Ustiurt Plateau population in Mangystau, Kazakhstan. The birth of 530 calves doubled the population in that area in 2018.




Researchers say saiga are resilient and, if given the chance, their population growth can be high.




“It is indeed a positive sign to discover a mass calving in the Mangystau region,” said Khanyari. “This population was known to migrate south to regions in Uzbekistan in the winter, but was affected by infrastructure projects like the railway and fences built around the Kazakh-Uzbek border. It will be important to monitor this population to see how it reacts to these infrastructure challenges.”




Poaching has not been eliminated



Poaching for the antelope’s horns and meat, which accelerated in the 1990s, continues to threaten it. The horn is used in a wide variety of traditional Chinese medicines, as it is believed to treat fever and sore throat.




After China, Singapore is the biggest importer and consumer of saiga. In both countries, horn and its derivatives are legally authorised for trade and consumption. Research suggests that one in five Chinese Singaporeans use medicinal products derived from saiga horn, which is commonly known as ling yang.




Medicinal demand is not the only threat. In September 2019, researchers concluded that the “rapid increase in poaching was in fact a direct result of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the subsequent loss of law enforcement and management capacity in the saiga’s range states, as well as rampant rural poverty”.




“I think poaching is not nearly at the levels reached after the collapse of the Soviet Union,” said Khanyari. “Right after [that] people almost overnight lost institutional support to rear livestock, and started to kill saiga for meat and also males for their horns. Selectively harvesting males [females don’t have horns] led to population crashes, as saiga are a harem breeding species [one male mates with several females].”




According to Orazbay Abdirakhmanov, who has written a number of books on the environmental challenges in the Aral Sea region, multiple factors caused the population to drop. These include uncontrolled poaching, physical borders negatively affecting migratory species and loss of habitat to industrial projects, such as oil and gas pipelines and railroads after 1990.


奥拉兹贝·阿卜迪拉赫马诺夫(Orazbay Abdirakhmanov)曾经撰写了不少有关咸海地区环境挑战的书籍。他认为,赛加羚羊种群数量下滑的背后有多重原因,其中包括不受控制的偷猎活动,对迁徙物种产生不利影响的物理边界障碍,以及上世纪九十年代之后油气管道和铁路等工业项目导致的栖息地丧失等等。


Impact of climate change



Scientists have identified another worrying cause of the species’ decline: climate-related and environmental stressors, which may exacerbate existing challenges. Research from British conservationists Richard Kock and Eleanor Milner-Gulland has linked mass-mortality events with high levels of humidity. “Most die-offs occur at a mean average maximum daily relative humidity of more than 80%,” they wrote in a recent paper. “In May 2015, atmospheric moisture was extreme with some of the highest recorded values for that time of year since 1948.”


科学家们找到了赛加羚羊种群数量下降的另一个令人担忧的原因:气候变化和环境压力,这些因素可能会加剧现有的挑战。英国生态保护工作者理查德·科可(Richard Kock)和埃莉诺·米尔纳·古兰德(Eleanor Milner-Gulland)的研究显示,环境湿度大与赛加羚羊大规模死亡事件具有联系。他们在新近刊发的论文中写道:“大多数羚羊死亡的时候,最大日平均相对湿度都超过了80%。2015年5月,大气湿度极高,多次刷新了自1948年以来的同期最高记录。”


Khanyari said: “Mass die-off is going to be a concern over the coming years. It is key our conservation efforts ensure that saiga populations grow big enough to deal with these catastrophic but often natural events.”




“There is evidence that the 2015 mass die-off, like a few in the past, was related to Pasteurellosis, an infection caused by the bacteria pasteurella multocida and driven by climate anomalies. This bacteria usually lives in the oesophagus of antelope, but because of the temperature/humidity anomaly during the calving time (when females are already physiologically stressed), this bacteria turned virulent and caused haemorrhagic septicaemia. While that is the proximate cause, the ultimate cause remains unknown.”




Potential human conflict



While the recent growth of the saiga population is good news for biodiversity, farmers might see things differently. Local news sources reported farmers in north-west Kazakhstan suffering losses after herds of the Ural saiga population migrated through their crop fields.




“The government agencies and NGOs, from my knowledge are still gathering baseline data/evidence of this occurrence to then provide evidence-based interventions (if necessary),” said Khanyari. “I think it will be key for various stakeholders to work together towards a land-sharing rather than land-sparing way to conserve saigas. Historically, huge numbers of saiga shared the steppe with huge numbers of livestock, so it can be done.”




He added: “Overgrazing might be a concern as saiga numbers increase, but it is important to contextualise this within the bigger picture. Climate change is impacting these lands in various ways and also livestock numbers are rebounding after the dip following the Soviet break-up.”




Protecting Central Asia’s ‘natural heritage’



The government of Kazakhstan has stepped up its efforts to eradicate poaching by criminal organisations – which claimed the lives of two park rangers in 2019. Last year, the country’s National Security Committee conducted a nationwide operation, seizing over a tonne of saiga horns destined for China, with an estimated value of more than US$14 million.




The country’s president Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said: “Poachers keep on hunting saigas, our natural heritage. They must be severely punished in accordance with law.”


哈萨克斯坦总统卡西姆若马尔特·托卡耶夫(Kassym-Jomart Tokayev)表示:“偷猎者一直在猎杀赛加羚羊。但这是我们的自然遗产,所以偷猎者必须受到法律的严惩。”


Conservationists and scientists say a multi-disciplinary approach is necessary, together with inter-state protection of the endangered species from illegal poaching. There must also be routine monitoring and research, so that countries in the region are better prepared for disease outbreaks.




“Saiga are critical for the ecosystem of the region. As the primary consumer, they impact processes such as vegetation composition and nutrient cycling. Without the saiga the steppe ecosystem will likely be negatively affected, which has the potential to affect local water supplies and the climate. Saiga are also food for predators like wolves and even steppe eagles, so play a critical role in the food chain,” said Munib Khanyari.




“Beyond this,” he added, “saiga are extremely important culturally and historically. Saiga have been roaming the Earth since the time of species like mammoths. They are like living fossils.”


