
51. 古丝绸之路

the ancient Silk Road

52. 互联互通

establish and strengthen partnerships/connectivity

53. 文化自信

cultural confidence

54. 新型大国关系

new type of major-power relationship

55. 可替代能源汽车

alternative energy vehicle

56. 可载人无人机

passenger-carrying drone

57. 空中上网服务

in-flight WiFi services

58. 海外代购

overseas shopping representative

59. 海淘

cross-border online shopping

60. 多次往返签证

multiple-entry visa

61. 散客

individual traveler

62. 自由行

independent travel

63. 跟团游

package tour

64. 深度游

in-depth travel

65. 自驾游

self-driving tours

66. 免税店

duty-free store

67. 无现金支付

cashless payment

68. 旺季

peak season

69. 淡季

off season

70. 反腐剧

anti-corruption TV series

71. 合拍片


72. 打车软件

taxi-hailing app

73. 代驾服务业

designated driver business

74. 单双号限行

traffic restrictions based on even- and odd- numbered license plates

75. 共享汽车


76. 绿色金融改革创新试验区

pilot zones for green finance reform and innovations

77. 超国民待遇

super-national treatment

78. 现代医院管理制度

modern hospital management system

79. 机遇之城

cities of opportunity

80. 直播经济

live stream economy

81. 互联网+政务服务

Internet Plus government services

82. 创新型政府

pro-innovation government

83. 无人机紧急救援队

UAV(unmanned aerial vehicle) emergency rescue team

84. 二孩经济

second-child economy

85. 父亲假;陪产假

paternity leave

86. 带薪休假

paid leave

87. 低头族


88. 副中心


89. 用了洪荒之力

give one’s full play

90. 营改增

replace business tax with value-add tax(VAT)

91. 创新型人才

innovative talent

92. 积分落户制度

points-based hukou system

93. 混合所有制改革

mixed-ownership reform

94. 税收减免

tax reduction and exemption

95. 生态保护红线

ecological wealth

96. 网约车

online car-hailing

97. 宜居城市

habitable city

98. 移动支付

mobile payment

99. 电子竞技


100. 双创人才

innovative and entrepreneurial talent