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Finding Hope in the New Year (Excerpt)

By Allison Carmen

I know many people have different opinions about the idea of hope. Some people think hope should not be part of our daily experience and others believe that hope is the root of our suffering. For instance, in the Taoist philosophy, things are neither good nor bad and everything changes, so hope has no role. In the Buddhist religion, many believe hope is an attachment that leads to suffering because we cling to an outcome in the future that may or may not occur. I have also heard people say hope “blinds us” to reality and creates inaction and complacency to face the world’s problems because we hope tomorrow will be better.

I disagree.

I believe most of us would find it impossible to get out of bed in the morning without hope. Every business, every investment, every first date, and every other situation we embark on has hope packed into it. It is not hope that causes us emotional pain. Instead, it is our inability to be flexible and fluid in the face of change and uncertainty. It is our addiction to certainty and not our addiction to hope that paralyzes us to make the changes in our own lives and in the world.

As Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, "Everything that is done in the world is done by hope.” So, let’s try to be more hopeful in the new year because hope is the beginning of all that's possible to make the world a better place for everyone.