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On this day a year ago, we lost one of America’s most beloved basketball players, Kobe Bryant. His untimely passing shocked the world at the top of a very strange year in 2020. Even if you weren’t the biggest Laker fan or a fan of the sport, the news of his death affected everyone, because his legacy was remarkably impactful. One principle that is forever engrained in the hearts of fans and family of the late, great Kobe Bryant is his legendary “Mamba Mentality.” Mamba Mentality is about obsession. It means prioritizing your professional goals over having an average, balanced life. During Kobe’s 2016 Mamba Mentality Tour, which aimed to challenge and inspire the next generation of young athletes, he explained what the phrase meant to him, “To sum up what mamba mentality is, it means to be able to constantly try to be the best version of yourself. That is what the mentality is. It’s a constant quest to try to be better today than you were yesterday.”