【译文】“How very strange!” I laughed. “Li Po is your bosom friend; Po Chu-yi, your first teacher, and I, with the literary name San-po (Three Po’s), am yourhusband. Your destiny seems linked to the character of ‘po’.”
“If ‘po’ characters are my fate,” Yuen smiled, “I’m afraid there will always be ‘po’ characters in my poems.” (In Soochow we call incorrectly written characters “po” characters.) Finding this very funny, we both burst out laughing. (p. 14)
然后是“有缘”,一个说 your destiny,一个说 my fate,一起一应,衔接自然。
【译文】I am naturally straightforward and easy-going, unhampered by conven-tion; but Yuen, like a pedantic old Confucian scholar, firmly believed in propriety andceremony, and insisted on observing many old-fashioned formalities in our daily life. Whenever I helped her into a robe or adjusted a sleeve for her she would murmur repeatedly, “I’m so sorry to trouble you. I’m so sorry to trouble you.” If I brought her a handkerchief or a fan she would insist on rising to receive it from me. (pp. 14-15)
【简评】“余性爽直,落拓不羁”,译文“I am naturally straightforward and easy-going, unhampered by convention; ...”把原文所包含的意思几乎都说了。“爽直”,译作 straightforward,表示人品性格时,意为 honest and frank(The New Oxford Dictionary of English《新牛津英语词典》)。“落拓”,《现代汉语词典》解释为“豪迈,不拘束”,也即“落拓不羁”,译文用了easy-going和unhampered by convention。easy-going 意为 relaxed and tolerant in approach and manner,也是一种潇洒的表现。虽然句子形式不同,但原文意思表达得准确无误。
这正是译者在译文“序言”里声明所遵循的一个原则:I have also tried to be as meticulous as I could in expressing the exact meaning of the Chinese words.
“迂拘多礼”的译文从两个方面作解释:firmly believed in propriety andceremony,相信行为举止和礼仪;insisted on observing many old-fashioned formalities in our daily life,遵守生活中的老规矩。
【译文】The next three months, as I dragged my way through them, felt like ten years of unendurable separation. Letters from Yuen arrived regularly enough, although for two of mine I received only one in reply; but of these, half were filled with words of caution or encouragement, the rest with mere frivolous conventionalities.Sadness and dejection filled my heart. Every time the wind rustled the bamboos inmy courtyard or the moon silvered the leaves of the banana trees beside my window, I remembered other moons and other nights until my soul became entranced with an unreal world of dreams and fancies. (p. 11)
【简评】“居三月,如十年之隔”,这在中文里比较流行,说法各异,意思相同,不同译者也会给出不同译文。此处的“The next three months, as I dragged my way through them, felt like ten years of unendurable separation”,体现了译者要尽量把中文确切意思译出来的宗旨,原文意思说得充分,因而有厚重感。
“风生竹院,月上蕉窗”,诗一般的语言。首先是“竹院”和“蕉窗”,怎么翻译,如何落笔,怎么用英语写得既合乎实际又富有诗意。译者将“竹院”写作 the bamboos in my courtyard——院里的竹子,将“蕉窗”写作 the banana trees beside my window——窗旁的蕉树,这样理解是合理的,用英语这样处理意思清楚,行文也自然。rustled 和 silvered 两个动词用得好:前者让我们看见摇曳的竹枝,听见竹叶的窸窣作响;后者让我们看见蕉叶上的斑驳月光。此般情景,让只身在外的沈复越发感到孤独,越发思念家中的爱妻。