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This year marks the 400th anniversary of the death of two distinguished masters, namely Tang Xianzu (1550-1616), a Chinese playwright of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), and Shakespeare(1564-1616), a famous English dramatist. Being the world renowned dramatists living in the same era, Tang Xianzu and Shakespeare both created remarkable plays that transcend time and space despite of totally different cultural backgrounds and living conditions. We can assume that the two may engage with each other through their notable works and naturally become imitate friends congenial to each other should the days back in 400 years offer equally convenient means of communication and transportation as it is today.

– Ye Changhai, China Daily


This year sees the quater centenary of Tang Xianzu, a great dramatist of the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644), as well as that of Shakespeare, Tang’s counterpart in England. As world-class dramatists and contemporaries, they gave birth to classics of eternal popularity, despite the disparities in culture and social life. We maybe justifiably grounded to assume that they would have hit it off straight away and traded anything for an earlier acquaintance, had communication and transportation 400 years ago allowed them an opportunity to read the works of each other, something we are so capable of offering today.