4th International Conference on Cognitive Research
on Translation, Interpreting and Language Acquisition
Date: 3-4 November 2017
Venue: Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China
Center for Translation Studies, School of English and International Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University
Centre for Studies of Translation, Interpreting and Cognition (CSTIC)
University of Macau
We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the 4th International Conference on Cognitive Research on Translation, Interpreting and Language Acquisition, to be held on 3-4 November 2017 at Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China. The first three conferences were held in 2014, 2015 and 2016 respectively, by the Centre for Studies of Translation, Interpreting and Cognition (CSTIC) at University of Macau. This is the first time this conference will be hosted outside Macau.
This conference will provide an international forum for the presentation and discussion of up-to-date cognitive research on translation, interpreting and language acquisition. High quality research contributions describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental, or theoretical work are cordially invited for presentation at the conference.
Conference Themes:
We are now inviting proposals for 30-minute presentations (20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion), addressing one of the following themes:
1. Conceptualizing process studies in Translation Studies
2. Psycholinguistics in translation/interpreting as bilingual processing
3. Cognitive linguistics in translation/interpreting as bilingual processing
4. Cognitive processes of translation
5. Cognitive processes of interpreting
6. Cognitive processes of second language learning
7. Cognition and translator training
8. Bilingual processing and language education
9. Research methods in the cognitive translation/interpreting studies
10. Corpus application in bilingual processing and language acquisition
11. Tools for the cognitive study of translation/interpreting processes
Workshop: Multimodal Integration of Written and Spoken Translation Production
By Michael Carl & Masaru Yamada
Eye-tracking and keyboard logging techniques have become established methods in translation process research and a number of interesting and sometimes surprising findings have been reported over the past decade. More recently, technologies have been developed that allow records of spoken translation (sight translation and interpretation) to be transcribed, analyzed and compared with records of written translation production. The comparison of independent, multi-modal behavioral data streams (reading, writing, hearing, speaking) is a challenging task that requires an advanced technological framework for data analysis, but promises deeper insights into the human translation processes and allows for better grounded and more general theories of the translation process. With the integration of multi-modal data streams it will be possible to investigate universal cognitive processes in spoken and written translation production and reception as well as contrasts resulting from orality and literacy.
This workshop introduces novel methods for recording and transcribing spoken language and how it can be aligned with gaze and keystroke data. The aim is to outline the components of the technological framework and to demonstrate in practical hands-on sessions how spoken data records can be obtained and processed in conjunction with the available legacy in the Translation Process Research Database (TPR-DB). We will also give sample research results and show an expanded usage of TPR-DB with neuro-imaging technology. The workshop will take place on the afternoon November 1st from 12:00–18:00.
Session plan:
1. Introduction and rational
2. Setting up and recording a sight translation experiment
3. Speech transcription and sentence alignment in ELAN
4. Word alignment in YAWAT
5. Building and analyzing a TPR-DB
Keynote Speakers:
Keynote speakers confirmed so far include:
Brian James Baer, Kent State University, USA
Michael Carl, Renmin University of China, Beijing; Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Maureen Ehrensberger-Dow, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
Arnt Lykke Jakobsen, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Jan-Louis Kruger, Macquarie University, Australia
Defeng Li, University of Macau, China
Ricardo Muñoz Martín, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Xu Wen, Southwest University, China
Binghan Zheng, Durham University, UK
Organizing Committee:
Dr. Jian Zhang (Conference Chair)
Dean, School of English and International Studies, BFSU
Dr. Sanjun Sun (Conference Co-Chair)
Associate Professor, Center for Translation Studies, BFSU
Dr. Defeng Li (Conference Co-Chair)
Professor, CSTIC, University of Macau
Dr. Huijuan Ma
Professor, Center for Translation Studies, BFSU
Dr. Wei Zhang
Professor, Center for Translation Studies, BFSU
Submission of Abstracts:
We invite papers on topics related to one of the conference themes. The language of the conference will be English. A selection of the research papers will be published as a book following the conference, while some will be published in Chinese in a special issue of Translation Horizons, a biannual, peer-reviewed Chinese journal focused on disseminating scholarly research relevant to translation and interpreting. The paper selection will be carried out during the peer review process as well as at the conference presentation stage.
Those who are interested in making a presentation at the conference should indicate your initial interest by writing to Mr. Wenkai Zhang at zhangwk@bfsu.edu.cn by 30 April 2017. Please state your full name and institution/affiliation in the email message (Click to download Form for initial interest information). The deadline for submitting the abstract is 30 June 2017. The letter of acceptance will be sent by 30 July 2017. (Click to download Form for Abstract Submission.) Abstracts should be written in English and about 250-300 words. Please kindly submit abstracts to zhangwk@bfsu.edu.cn before the deadline.
Registration and Fees:
Registration is required for all presenters and participants of the conference. The standard registration fee for the conference is RMB 2,000 (approximately USD 290). The early bird rate (RMB 1,600) applies if the registration is completed before 3 August 2017. (Note: As the University Payment Gateway is not ready yet, please indicate your intention to attend by email by 3 August 2017 to enjoy the early bird rate.) The registration fee for full-time students (copy of student ID required) is RMB 800.
The registration fee can be paid on-site or online via our secure Payment Gateway (not ready yet).
Please note that the fee covers the conference pack, refreshments, lunches, a conference dinner, certificate for participation, and is non-refundable. The fee does not cover travel, accommodations or other meals not specified.
A letter of invitation will be provided upon request to registrants who have completed their registration.
Important Dates:
Call for papers: 18 February 2017
Deadline for submission of abstract: 30 June 2017
Notification of acceptance: 30 July 2017
Registration for participants: June 2017-mid-October 2017
Deadline for early bird registration: 2 August 2017
Final paper submission: mid-October 2017
Program available on-line: mid-October 2017
Conference: 3-4 November 2017
University-based or off-campus rooms are reserved for conference presenters and participants. If you are interested, you can contact us at zhangwk@bfsu.edu.cn and we will help make the reservation after you have registered. .
All accommodation packages are available on a first-come-first-served basis. Those planning to stay in other accommodations will find a range of options through tourist information sites such as agoda.com.
Contact Us:
All enquiries should be made to Mr. Wenkai Zhang at transcognition@163.com
Phone: +86-136-833-91903
Conference website: http://transcognition.org