
2020年9月10—12日,由欧洲社会学会传播与媒介社会学研究网络联合都灵理工大学、都灵大学、意大利全国社会学会,以及意大利社会学、文化与传播研究学会和安东尼奥·葛兰西研究基金会等机构主办的,“传播、资本主义与批判:21世纪的批判媒介社会学”(Communication, Capitalism and Critique: Critical Media Sociology in the 21st Century)国际学术研讨会将在都灵理工大学(Polytechnic University of Turin)举行。




















Communication, Capitalism and Critique: Critical Media Sociology in the 21st Century


We live in times of deepening economic, political, social, ideological and ecological crises that are expressed in widespread precarious labour, the commodification of (almost) everything, the rise of new nationalism, populism and authoritarian forms of capitalism, and ecological destruction. The display of power and counter-power, domination and spaces of power struggles, and the commons and the commodification of the commons characterise modern society. Contradictions and antagonisms between the haves and the have-nots shape contemporary Europe and beyond. Media and communication are fields of conflict in this power struggle: they are power structures and sites of power struggles, able to support both the expansion and the commodification of the commons.


On reflection of the conference place, Turin was the city where Gramsci lived, was politically active and where he set up the weekly newspaper ‘L’Ordine Nuovo’ and acted as editor of the newspaper ‘Il Grido del Popolo’. Gramsci exerted influence on the study of culture and communication in society. ESA RN18’s mid-term conference in Turin is an occasion for media/communication/cultural sociologists to ask: What is the relevance of Gramsci and other approaches and thinkers inspired by Marx for the study of communication and society today?


ESA RN18 calls for contributions that shed new light on theoretical and analytical insights that help to shape critical media sociology in the 21st century, in particular, but not exclusively, addressed to any of the following:


Critical Media Sociology and Capitalism

Critical Media Sociology and Critical Theory

Critical Media Sociology and Critical Political Economy of Media, Information and Communication

Critical Media Sociology, Gramsci and Hegemony

Critical Media Sociology and Ideology Critique

Critical Media Sociology and Cultural and Communication Labour

Critical Media Sociology and Digital Labour

Critical Media Sociology, New Nationalism and Authoritarianism

Critical Media Sociology, Consumption and Production in Urban Processes

Critical Media Sociology, Patriarchy and Gender

Critical Media Sociology, Social Inequality, Identity and Subjectivities

Critical Media Sociology, Ecology and Climate

Critical Media Sociology, Democracy and the Public Sphere

Critical Media Sociology and the Left

Critical Media Sociology, the Commons and Alternatives

Abstract submission

Abstracts should be sent to:

Conference Organising Committee, rn18esasubmission@gmail.com


Abstracts should be sent as an e-mail attachment (400-600 words including title, author name(s), email address(es), and institutional affiliation(s)). Please insert the words “ESA RN18 Submission” in the subject. Although we do not provide a template for the abstract submission, we expect abstracts that include a rationale, research question(s), theoretical and/or empirical methods applied, and potential results and implications. Each abstract will be independently reviewed by two members of the ESA RN18 Board based on the call for papers.


Abstract submission deadline: 1 April 2020

Notification of selected abstracts: 15 May 2020

Conference dates: 10—12 September 2020


IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Conference Organising Committee is closely monitoring the situation of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). While we are concerned about recent developments, conference organisation is currently proceeding as previously planned. Please visit the conference website regularly for new updates.