



/ 唐老雅1


很多人考雅思,考了很多遍,今天得5 分,明天得6 分,但心里还是糊涂的,全然不知道自己为什么得5 分,为什么得6 分,这就叫“摸石头考雅,考到哪算哪”!




概念1:雅思作文7 分是个分水岭。7 分前是多数人都能达到的,经过恰当培训20 小时以下,你我都能做到。7 分以上,恕我直言,没有50小时以上的培训和练习,难!无论那些所谓金牌培训老师说得多么天花乱坠,都难!


概念27 分以下的作文,不需要你写高质量的单词和句型,不需要你有精妙的思想。写得清楚就行,就是写出来别人能看懂,而且看得比较懂,知道你有一定安排,你有些地方有点水平,这就行了。一般培训老师都要求你,词尽量用大,句型用新用复杂,哪知道,这些都是吃力不讨好的!你就那点水平,写复杂了,谁看得懂啊?看不懂,你还不得5 分以下!




























【题目】Many people say that cooking and eating at home is better for the individual and the family than eating out in restaurants and canteens. Do you agree or disagree?


Everyone has to eat. The question is, where to eat? You may cook and eat at home, or just eat out in restaurants or canteens. My personal opinion is that eating at home is better for the individual and the family than eating out.

First, it has no doubt that cooking and eating at home can save a lot of money. Generally, the cost of eating in restaurants is much higher than eating at home. By cooking at home, you don’t have to pay the labor fee for the chef, and don’t have to pay tips to the waiter. What you have to do is just a little hand operation and a little time. From supermarkets, you can buy cheap vegetables and meat, which may cost only 10 percent of the same food in a restaurant. Sometimes, you can get cheaper food in discount time. Especially, a big family may enjoy the method, as the monthly cost would be less.

Second, you can freely select your favorite food to cook. A restaurant cannot always provide you with delicious food. The taste of food in restaurants is usually designed for the public, which is not suitable for a particular guest. If you miss the taste of your mum’s soup, it’s not likely to find the same one in a restaurant. In this case, the best choice is to cook by yourself, to reproduce your mum’s food to the best you can.

Finally, it’s obvious that eating at home is more healthy and clean. You don’t know whether it’s dirty in the restaurants, and also you don’t know whether the food is fresh. But by cooking at home, you can know everything about the cooking materials. Moreover, it’s easy to control the usage of fat and oil, unless you don’t care to become too fat.

In brief, I believe that eating at home is healthy and clean. If people want to save money, eating at home is also a good choice. In addition, people can cook what they like as well. So I personally prefer eating at home. (346)




告诉你,这篇作文可得7 分。对志在突破6 分的你来说,是不是平添了几分信心?




1. 唐伟胜,广东外语外贸大学教授,博士,英美文学研究专家。