
The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese CultureExcerpt



By Ruth Benedict

/茹丝·贝讷迪克 译/陈国华



【译者的话】个人有人格(personality),族群有族格(ethnicitynational character)。对于日本人的族格,捕捉最准确、刻画最深刻的学者可能是美国文化人类学和民俗学家茹丝·贝讷迪克1Ruth Benedict18871948)。作为美国人类学创始人博厄斯的嫡传弟子,贝讷迪克侧重研究文化与人格之间的关系,其专著《文化模式》(Patterns of Culture1934)被译成14种语言。1944年,她受美国战争资讯处(Office of War Information)委托,对日本民族的主要人格特性(leading personality traits)展开研究,以便美国军方能看透日本军人的心理并预测其行为2。通过对日本进行远距离人类学研究(anthropology at a distance),贝讷迪克发现,日本文化和美国文化的主要不同之处在于,美国社会以罪感文化(guilt cultures)为主导,日本社会以耻感文化(shame cultures)为主导,由此可以解释日本人的许多性格特点。她根据自己的研究结果向美国政府提交的咨询报告,对罗斯福总统决定对日作战采取什么战略和策略,特别是要不要投原子弹,如何对待日本天皇,战后如何对日本实施管控等,都产生了重要影响。二战结束后,贝讷迪克对其研究成果加以补充修改,以《菊花与战刀》(The Chrysanthemum and the Sword3作为书名,于1946年出版。该书出版后,在美国和日本都引起极大反响,成为文化人类学的一部经典,贝讷迪克也于1947年当选美国人类学协会(American Anthropological Association)主席。






Chapter 1 Assignment: Japan


[1] The Japanese were the most alien4 enemy the United States had ever fought in an all-out struggle. In no other war with a major foe5 had it been necessary to take into account such exceedingly6 different habits of acting and thinking. Like Czarist Russia before us in 1905,we were fighting a nation fully armed and trained which did not belong to the Western cultural tradition. Conventions of war which Western nations had come to accept as facts of human nature obviously did not exist for the Japanese. It made the war in the Pacific more than a series of landings on island beaches, more than an unsurpassed problem of logistics. It made it a major problem in the nature of the enemy. We had to understand their behavior in order to cope with it7.


第一章 使命:日本




[2] The difficulties8 were great. During the past seventy-five years since Japan’s closed doors were opened9, the Japanese have been described in the most fantastic10 series of “but also’s” ever used for any nation of the world. When a serious observer is writing about peoples other than the Japanese11 and says they are unprecedentedly polite12, he is not likely to add, “But also insolent and overbearing.” When he says people of some nation are incomparably rigid13 in their behavior, he does not add, “But also they adapt themselves readily to extreme14 innovations.” When he says a people are submissive, he does not explain too that they are not easily amenable to control from above15. When he says they are loyal and generous, he does not declare, “But also treacherous and spiteful16.” When he says they are genuinely brave, he does not expatiate on their timidity. When he says they act out of concern for others’ opinions, he does not then go on to tell that they have a truly terrifying conscience17. When he describes robot-like discipline18 in their Army, he does not continue by describing the way the soldiers in that Army take the bit in their own teeth even to the point of insubordination. When he describes a people who devote themselves with passion to Western learning, he does not also enlarge on their fervid19 conservatism. When he writes a book on a nation with a popular cult of aestheticism which gives high honor to actors and to artists and lavishes art upon20 the cultivation of chrysanthemums, that book does not ordinarily have to be supplemented by another which is devoted to the cult of the sword and the top prestige21 of the warrior.




[3] All these contradictions, however, are the warp and woof of books on Japan. They are true. Both the sword and the chrysanthemum are a part of the picture. The Japanese are, to the highest degree22, both aggressive and un-aggressive, both militaristic and aesthetic, both insolent and polite, rigid and adaptable, submissive and resentful of being pushed around23, loyal and treacherous, brave and timid, conservative and hospitable to new ways24. They are terribly concerned about what other people will think of their behavior, and they are also overcome by guilt25 when other people know nothing of their misstep. Their soldiers are disciplined to the hilt26 but are also insubordinate27.




[4] When it became so important for America to understand Japan, these contradictions and many others equally blatant28 could not be waved aside. Crises29 were facing us in quick succession. What would the Japanese do? Was capitulation30 possible without invasion? Should we bomb the Emperor’s palace? What could we expect of Japanese prisoners of war? What should we say in our propaganda to Japanese troops and to the Japanese homeland which could save the lives of Americans and lessen Japanese determination to fight to the last man31? There were violent disagreements32 among those who knew the Japanese best33. When peace came, were the Japanese a people who would require perpetual martial law to keep them in order34? Would our army have to prepare to fight desperate bitter-enders35 in every mountain fastness of Japan36? Would there have to be a revolution in Japan after the order of the French Revolution or the Russian Revolution before37 international peace was possible? Who would lead it? Was the alternative the eradication38 of the Japanese? It made a great deal of difference39 what our judgments were.




[5] In June, 1944, I was assigned to the study of Japan. I was asked to use all the techniques I could as a cultural anthropologist to spell out what the Japanese were like. During that early summer our great offensive against Japan had just begun to show itself in its true magnitude40. People in the United States were still saying that the war with Japan would last three years, perhaps ten years, more. In Japan they talked of its lasting one hundred years. Americans, they said, had had local victories, but New Guinea and the Solomons were thousands of miles away from their home islands. Their official communiqués had hardly admitted naval defeats and the Japanese people still regarded themselves as victors.




[6] In June, however, the situation began to change. The second front was opened in Europe and the military priority which the High Command had for two years and a half given to the European theater paid off41. The end of the war against Germany was in sight. And in the Pacific our forces landed on Saipan, a great operation forecasting eventual Japanese defeat. From then on our soldiers were to face the Japanese army at constantly closer quarters. And we knew well, from the fighting in New Guinea, on Guadalcanal, in Burma, on Attu and Tarawa and Biak, that we were pitted against a formidable foe.




[7] In June, 1944, therefore, it was important to answer a multitude of questions about our enemy, Japan. Whether the issue was military or diplomatic, whether it was raised by questions of high policy or of leaflets to be dropped behind the Japanese front lines, every insight was important42. In the all-out war Japan was fighting we had to know, not just the aims and motives, of those in power in Tokyo, not just the long history of Japan, not just economic and military statistics; we had to know what their government could count on from the people. We had to try to understand Japanese habits of thought and emotion and the patterns into which these habits fell. We had to know the sanctions43 behind these actions and opinions. We had to put aside for the moment the premises on which we act as Americans44 and to keep ourselves as far as possible from leaping to the easy conclusion that what we would do in a given situation45 was what they would do.








1. Ruth的传统“规范”译名是“鲁思”,但这一译名男女不分;“露丝”是女名。Benedict的“规范”译名“贝内迪克特”不如“贝讷迪克”准确。


2. 当时日本军人的一些行为令美军大惑不解,例如,美国人若当了俘虏,第一愿望就是让家人知道自己还活着,同时会尽量保守己方机密;而日本俘虏却一般不愿让家人知道自己被俘,但会愿意交代其所掌握的军事机密。


3. 绝大多数译者都将Chrysanthemum译成“菊”,简洁。在意象上,“花”与“刀”更加对称。如果这里译成“菊花”,那么与之对称的两个字最好是“战刀”。


4. 英语里将外星人称为aliens,这里alien的意思相当于华夏民族所谓“非我族类”,不是“琢磨不透”或“让人感到费解”,“异特”(孙志民等)的意思是对的,但不如“特异”通顺。


5. foeenemy文雅,所以译文也选用“劲敌”这一比较文雅的词。


6. 这里是“极为”的意思,可以译成“迥然”(吕万和等)。


7. cope with的意思是“应对,对付”,不是“对抗”;cope with it不是“同他们打交道”,而是“应对日本人的行为”。


8. 这里试用“重重”表示原文的复数。


9. 译成“……已经75年了,这期间”而不是“在自从日本关闭的大门被打开以来的75年间”,是为了避免介词“在”后面的补语过长。


10. 这里的意思应是“高//多得出奇”,不是“令人极为迷惑”或“极为离奇”。


11. 意思是“日本族之外的其他民族”,但由于有上下文,译文略去“日本族之外的”,意思也很清楚。


12. 考虑到“彬彬有礼”还没有把原文的意思充分表达出来,所以后面补了一句“无以复加”。


13. 意思不是“顽固”,而是“僵化;僵硬”。


14. 本义是“极端;激进”;与“创新”搭配,可以译成“大胆”。


15. 意思是“不容易让他们服从上级管控”,反过来说也就是“容易桀骜不驯”。


16. treacherous在这里与loyal形成对照,指不忠不义、卖主求荣之类的奸诈行为;spitefulgenerous形成对照,意思应当是“刻薄恶毒”或“充满恶意”(刘锋),不是“满腹怨恨”或“心怀叵测”。


17. 意思不是“真诚的良心”、“确实具有强烈的内在良心”或“强烈的道德准则”,而是“其良心令人胆寒”。


18. 这里的discipline不是在说“训练”问题,而是在说纪律问题,可以译成“机器人一样的纪律”或“机械式的纪律”(刘锋)。


19. passionateardent是近义词,表示“狂热”,本身没有“顽固”的意思。


20. lavish art upon sth.: 在某方面挥霍技艺就是“倾注心血,精益求精”,也可以译成“醉心于”(吕万和等)或“沉湎于”(刘锋)。


21. 至尊地位是“专讲”(devoted to)的对象,不是“崇拜”(cult of)的对象。


22. 意思不是“从很大程度上讲”,而是“达到最高程度”。同时,这一短语不单修饰“既好斗又不好斗”,还修饰下面描写的所有相互矛盾的特性,因此笔者在译文里增加了“相互矛盾的特性在日本人那里集为一身”,作为下面几句话的概括。


23. “不愿受人摆布”(吕万和等)就是“执拗”。


24. “十分欢迎新的方式”简而言之就是“创新”。ways不一定限于“生活方式”。


25. “被罪恶所征服”或“被自己的罪恶感所压服”不如“情不自禁为非作歹”意思清楚。


26. discipline有“训练”的意思,但它指的不是单纯的军事训练,而是服从命令听指挥的训练;to the hilt的意思是“彻底”,“得到了彻底的纪律训练”就是“已经被训练得服服帖帖”。


27. “不服从上级”或“抗命不遵”。


28. 意思不是“同样令人烦躁”或“显得乱哄哄的”,而是“显眼”或“显而易见”。


29. 这里指需要做出重大决策的时刻,即“紧要关头”或“关键时刻”,不是“严重的事态”或“危机”。


30. 指根据所达成的协议或所给出的条件投降。


31. 英语里man可以指士兵,与officer相对,因此这里译成“一兵一卒”。


32. “暴力的意见不合”即“唇枪舌剑”。


33. 即“日本问题专家”,也可译成“日本通”(吕万和等)。


34. 这里的意思不是“为了维持秩序”,而是“使他们安分守己/老老实实”。


35. desperate bitter-enders:在这里“绝望的痛苦结局者”即“拼死抵抗的日军士兵”。


36. fight ... in every mountain fastness of Japan:既然山是日本的,堡垒建在山上,日本士兵躲在堡垒里,为了让译文通畅,与其说“与日本的每一个山中要塞里的……进行战斗”,不如说“在日本的每一个山头与地堡里……激战”。


37. 这里的意思不是简单的“之前”,而是相当于“才”。


38. 彻底消灭(wipe out),即使用原子弹之类大规模杀伤武器所达到的效果。译成“日本民族只有灭亡”或“日本民族将会灭亡”不如“只有叫日本民族灭亡”意思清楚。


39. 意思不是“肯定是众说纷纭的”、“分歧极大”或“肯定是千差万别的”,而是“事关重大”或“结果会大为不同”。


40. 意思不是“展开”,而是“显现出其真正的规模”,即“显山露水”。


41. 意思不是“已无必要”或“现在没有这种必要了”,而是“得到了回报”或“收到了成效”。


42. 这里的意思不是“必须提出真知灼见”,而是“每一个见解都很重要”。


43. 这里的意思不是“制约力”、“强制力”或“制约因素”,而是指批准某一行动的道理或采取这一行动的动机。


44. 这里的the premises指逻辑学中三段论(syllogism)推理的大前提(major premise)和小前提(minor premise),译成“美国人采取行动的那些前提”或“自己作为美国人而据以行动的前提”,不如“我们美国人的思维和行事模式”清楚。


45. 意思不是“在那种情况下”,而是“在特定情况下”。