







1. 科技发展的好坏讨论,包括:(1)机器广泛使用的优缺点;(2)科技进步影响生活是好是坏?(3)科技发展是否带来了消极的影响?(4)机器人对人类的未来很重要还是一个危险的发明?


2. 太空旅行,包括:(1)太空旅行是否只会惠及最有钱的人?(2)太空旅行是好是坏?


3. 现代通讯发展的利弊讨论,包括:(1)人们每天都能使用手机是否对个人和社会有消极影响?(2)人们受益于现代通讯技术还是完全没有受益?


4. 科技综合类,包括:(1)科技与环境:应选择低科技的生活还是利用科技来解决环境问题?(2)科技与艺术:艺术能给我们什么科技所不能给的?





1. Development of technology cause environmental problems. Some think people should choose a simpler way of life. Others think we should use technology to solve these problems. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (2015/05/09)


2. Scientific progress always influences our daily life. Do you think these influences are positive or negative? Give your reasons. (2013/03/23)


3. Space travel has been possible for some time and some people think space tourism could be developed in the future. To what extent do you think this is a positive or negative development? (2013/07/06)


4. Some people think that robots are very important for humans’ future development. Others, however, think that robots are a dangerous invention that could have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (2011/01/08)






Some people think that robots are very important for humans’ future development. Others, however, think that robots are a dangerous invention that could have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.




With the development of science and technology, more and more inventions appeared. Among the large number of inventions, robots might be the most debatable inventions. Some people worry that robots may destroy the society, however the other think robots are good for our lives.


As we know, robots have some disadvantages. For example, they force many human works out of their current jobs. And the cost of production of robots is very expensive. A number of people worry that robots will make decisions and act on their own, and they might harm or even conquer human society.


However, there are also plenty of advantages that robots have. For example, robots can achieve high efficiency and quality. And they can work in situations that are considered to be dangerous for humans, such as cleaning up radioactive waste. They can reduce safety hazards in workplaces. In addition, robots can keep working for long hours and they won’t feel tired forever. They can also save human labour cost and run a business for companies. Because of robots, companies can work safely and quickly. Generally speaking, robots are able to accomplish tasks that are thought to be impossible for us.


In my opinion, incidents such as robots attacking human only appear in science fictions and movies. We don’t have to worry about this kind of matters. And we have to admit that robots bring a lot of benefits to us and they are perfect workers of much hard work and difficult work. I believe robots can absolutely make the human society better.












With the development of science and technology, more and more inventions appeared. Among the large number of inventions, robots might be the most debatable inventions. Some people worry that robots may destroy the society, however the other think robots are good for our lives.

【修改】With the development of science and technology, more and more inventions have appeared, among which robots might be the most debatable one. Some people worry that robots may destroy the society, while others think they are good for our life and work.



(2)老雅这里将第一、二句合并成为一个长句。这里的 Among the large number of inventions,其实就是在重复前面一句中的more and more inventions,因此完全可以合并,将后一句处理为非限定性定语从句(当然,如果亲们觉得这个句型难以把握,那还是老老实实地写两个独立句子,这样错误的几率会大大降低,要知道,雅思作文既要写得精彩,但更重要的是要少犯错误啊!)。

(3)最后一句添加了and work,从后文看,本文不仅讨论了机器人对“生活”的影响,更探讨了机器人对“工作”的影响。




As we know, robots have some disadvantages. For example, they force many human works out of their current jobs. And the cost of production of robots is very expensive. A number of people worry that robots will make decisions and act on their own, and they might harm or even conquer human society.

修改】As we know, robots have some disadvantages. For example, they force many people out of their current jobs. And the cost of producing robots is very high. Furthermore, many people are also worried that robots will make decisions and act on their own, and as a result, they might harm or even conquer human world.





However, there are also plenty of advantages that robots have. For example, robots can achieve high efficiency and quality. And they can work in situations that are considered to be dangerous for humans, such as cleaning up radioactive waste. They can reduce safety hazards in workplaces. In addition, robots can keep working for long hours and they won’t feel tired forever. They can also save human labour cost and run a business for companies. Because of robots, companies can work safely and quickly. Generally speaking, robots are able to accomplish tasks that are thought to be impossible for us.


【修改】However, robots also have plenty of advantages. For example, robots can achieve high efficiency and quality. They can work in situations that are considered to be dangerous for humans, such as cleaning up radioactive waste. They can reduce safety hazards in workplaces. In addition, robots can keep working for long hours and they won’t feel tired forever. They can also save human labour cost and run a business for companies. Because of robots, companies can work safely and quickly. Generally speaking, robots are able to accomplish tasks that are thought to be impossible for us.


【评析】本段讨论机器人带来的好处。写作采用了与第二段完全相同的论证模式,虽然不错,但使行文显得比较呆板(考虑到尽量保持原文结构,老雅此处不打算对习作进行结构性调整)。本段一个比较好的地方是在某些地方用such as引导出来一些非常细节的内容(such as cleaning up radioactive waste),这是值得鼓励的一种做法,可以使文章显得更具体、更生动、更具个性化。我们知道,现在中国雅思写作教学中大家都在倡导背模板和句型,其结果是让大家的作文读起来千篇一律,毫无个性可言,这种作文写到极致,也难突破7分,相反,那些包含一定个性的作文会让考官看到你的独特知识面,独特感受,因此更容易得到高分。这里的“清扫放射性废料”就是一种个性化的东西,因为在其他学生作文中很难看到类似内容。




In my opinion, incidents such as robots attacking human only appear in science fictions and movies. We don’t have to worry about this kind of matters. And we have to admit that robots bring a lot of benefits to us and they are perfect workers of much hard work and difficult work. I believe robots can absolutely make the human society better.

修改】In my opinion, incidents such as robots attacking human only appear in science fiction and movies. We don’t have to worry about this kind of matters. And we have to admit that robots bring a lot of benefits to us by performing the difficult and dangerous work. I believe robots can absolutely make human society better.
