


2014年冯小刚的贺岁片《私人订制》风靡一时,其片名的英语译为Personal Tailor。有人问:“Personal Tailor不是‘私人裁缝’吗?怎么又变成了‘私人订制’?”

“定制”或“订制”,指客户提出产品规格或服务要求,由厂商或机构制作产品或提供服务。“定制”涉及“提出定制要求者”(customer)和“完成定制要求者”(tailor)的买卖关系。customer的原义是a person or an organization that buys sth. from a shop/store or business,即“顾客”,是提出定制要求的买方。tailor的原义是a person who makes, repairs, or alters clothing professionally, especially suits and men’s clothing,即“裁缝”,是完成定制要求的卖方。电影《私人订制》的英语片名Personal Tailor,泛指“完成私人订制要求的厂商或机构”。英语表示“定制”的动词大多与custom和tailor有关。动词包括:to customize, to have sth. custom-made, to custom-build, to have sth. custom-built, to tailor-make, to have sth. tailor-made, to make sth. to order, to have sth. made to order。


1. 他到附近的裁缝铺定做了一套衣服。He went to a nearby tailor shop to have a suit of clothes tailor-made.

2. 你的衣服是定做的,还是买现成的?Are your clothes made to order or ready made?

3. 这个裁缝根据新娘的特别吩咐和要求制作了婚纱。The tailor made the wedding dress to order in accordance with the bride's particular instructions and requirements.

4. 他在帽子店为他的儿子定做了一顶棒球帽。He had a baseball cap custom-made for his son in the hat shop.

5. 他在金匠店为未来的新娘和自己定做了结婚戒指。He customized wedding rings for his would-be bride and himself in the goldsmith shop.


6. 我们将与客户合作,定制消费者真正需要的产品。We will work with our customers to tailor-make products that consumers really want.

7. 我们店可以根据您的设计理念为您定制珠宝。You can custom-make jewelry in our shop according to your design ideas.

8. 你可以在这家计算机公司根据自己的喜好来定制页面。You can customize the webpage as you like in this computer company.

9. 昨天,我在这家工厂定制了一套硬木家具。Yesterday I had a set of hardwood furniture custom-built in the factory.

作为形容词,“定制的”可以译为customized, custom, custom-made, custom-built, tailor-made, bespoke,例如:

10. 定制奢华手机已经成为有钱人炫富的终极象征。Customized luxury mobile phones have become a symbol of ultimate status for rich people to display their wealth.

11. 这些零件是为特定车辆定制设计的。These parts are custom-designed for specific vehicles.

12. 这家计算机公司可以根据客户的个别要求提供定制个人电脑。This computer company provides custom-made personal computers according to the specifications of an individual buyer.

13. 这位职业妇女穿一身高质量的定制套装。The professional woman wears a high-quality custom-made dress.

14. 许多男人格外喜欢这种定制的摩托车。Many men are especially fond of the custom-built motorbikes.

15. 这位跨国公司的首席执行官穿一身崭新的定制西装。The CEO of the transnational corporation wears a brand-new tailor-made suit.

16. 每个婚礼都是独一无二的庆典,而我们提供一种符合你自己需要的完全定制的服务。Every wedding is a unique celebration and we offer an entirely bespoke service tailored to your own requirements.

定制服务的范围不断扩大,包括假期安排、婚庆设计、金融产品设计、健身计划、减肥计划、护理计划等。作为形容词,“私人订制的”英语可以译为 personally-tailored,例如:

17. 我们已向这些肥胖儿童提供了私人订制的健身计划来帮助他们减肥。We have given these obese children personally-tailored get-fit programs to help them lose weight.

18. 本护理中心为每位入住者提供独特的私人订制护理计划。This care home provides personally-tailored care plans unique to each resident.

“定制产品”,英语可以译为customized product, custom-made product, tailor-made product,例如:

19. 现代企业追求新的能力优势,提供定制产品并在各方面让客户满意,这正在成为一种趋势。It is becoming a trend for modern enterprises to pursue new competence advantages, provide customized products, and satisfy the customers in all aspects.

科技的迅猛发展为定制开发和服务创造了条件。“定制开发”,英语名词可以译为custom development,动词可以译为to make custom development, to customize the development,例如:

20. 本公司可以根据不同用户的实际要求进行定制开发,满足他们各种各样的需求。Our company can make custom development according to the practical requirements of different users and satisfy their various needs.

21. 该公司可以根据需求进行定制开发,使整个系统的表现达到最佳状态,并完全满足客户的实际要求。The company can customize the development on demand to make the performance of the whole system reach the best state and completely meet the true requirements of the customers.

由于用户需求剧增,市场竞争愈加激烈,供求矛盾不断扩大,满足个性化要求的批量定制生产成为发展趋势。“批量定制”,英语可以译为mass customization,例如:

22. 为满足客户需求和赢得全球竞争,企业实现批量定制已成趋势。It has become a trend for enterprises to implement mass customization to meet the customers’ demands and win the global competition.