








“土豪”是一个历史名词,原义是“旧时农村中有钱有势的地主或恶霸”,英语可以译为despotic landlord/landowner或local tyrant,例如:


1. 农民“打土豪,分田地”完全是革命行动。The peasants’ attack on the despotic landowners and the distribution of their land to the poor peasants were entirely revolutionary activities.


“土豪”的第二个意思指“舍得花大钱的网络游戏玩家”,仅在游戏玩家的小圈子里用,英语可以译为lavish game player,例如:


2. 这位土豪酷爱玩网络游戏,常常花大钱购买极品装备以炫富。The lavish game player has a strong love for online games, often spends a lot of money purchasing high-quality equipment to show off his wealth.


“土豪”的第三个意思指“没教养的或品位低的富人,尤指暴发户”,这是当前广泛应用的网络名词,英语可以译为vulgar rich man/people,lowbred upstart,rural upstart,例如:


3. 我国有些土豪持有“不求最好,但求最贵”的消费观。Some vulgar rich people in our country hold such a view of consumption as “seeking for the most expensive, rather than the best”.


4. 这个当村官的土豪在国家会议中心给儿子举办了一场奢华的婚礼。The rural upstart as a village chief held a luxurious wedding ceremony for his son in the National Conference Centre.




有人建议译为rural tycoon, provincial tycoon或vulgar tycoon。笔者认为这种译法不妥。tycoon 原与日本历史有关。请看:


5. The word tycoon derives from the Japanese word taikun, which means “great lord”, used formerly as a title for the shogun. tycoon这个词源自日本语的taikun,意思是“大君”,原先用作“幕府将军”的官称。


现在tycoon已被收入英语词库,一个意思是a top leader as in politics,即“政界领袖”;另一个意思是a very wealthy and powerful business person 或a businessman of exceptional wealth,即“大亨”、“巨富”或“巨头”,例如:


6. She is a shrewd business tycoon, a modern woman of all-around talent. 她是一个精明的商业大亨,一个全才的现代女性。


rural是“农村的”或“乡下的”,与urban(“城市的”或“城里的”) 相对立。provincial是“地方省份的”,与“首都的”或“京城的”相对立。vulgar是“粗俗的”、“庸俗的”或“低俗的”,与refined(“高雅的”)相对立。上述三个词可以表示地域“土”或品位“土”的含义,但是tycoon只有“豪”的内含,与“土”是不搭界的,不可与rural, provincial, vulgar搭配来表示“土豪”的意思。


有人建议用redneck表示“土豪”,笔者也认为不妥。redneck的意思是an uneducated white farm laborer, especially from the South,即“美国南方的缺乏教育的白人农场工人”。美国南方阳光充足,在田野工作的农村劳动者长期受太阳照射而皮肤红黑,最明显的部位是“红脖子”,而得 redneck之名,其意思相当于“乡巴佬”。看来,这个词与“土”有关,而与“豪”毫不相干,例如:


7. If you call someone a redneck, it means you think that he/she is not very cultured or sophisticated. 如果你叫某人“乡巴佬”,那意味着你认为这样的人没什么文化,或没见过什么世面。


还有人用China’s Beverly Hillbillies 表示“土豪”。这对中国人是个陌生的词语。首先解释什么是hillbilly:


8. Hillbilly is a term (often derogatory) for people who dwell in rural, mountainous areas primarily in Appalachia but also parts of the Ozarks in the United States. hillbilly是一个通常带有贬义的名词,指主要住在美国阿巴拉契亚以及欧扎克山脉部分地区农村和山区的人。


9. Owing to its strongly stereotypical connotations, the term “hillbilly”can be offensive to those Americans of Appalachian heritage. 因其强烈的模式化内涵,hillbilly这个名词会冒犯有阿巴拉契亚血统的美国人。




10. I saw the hillbilly staggering drunkenly out of the pub. 我看见那个山村土包子正醉醺醺地踉跄走出酒吧。


Beverly Hills是位于美国洛杉矶的一个山庄,那里好莱坞富豪云集。The Beverly Hillbillies是美国一部情景喜剧的名字,描述聚集在豪华山庄的土包子的故事。


11. The Beverly Hillbillies is an American situation comedy originally broadcast on CBS from 1962 to 1971. 《贝弗利山的土包子》是一部美国情景喜剧,从1962年至1971年由哥伦比亚广播公司最先播出。


因而,Beverly Hillbillies就是美国的“土豪”,但是,其内涵与中国“土豪”还是有天壤之别的。


下面是2013年10月15日美国杂志 Foreign Policy(《外交政策》)刊载的David Wertime关于中国“土豪”的文章片段:


A new term is making the rounds on the Chinese social web: tuhao, which is a combination of tu (meaning “dirt” or “uncouth”) and hao (meaning “splendor”), and refers with disdain to China’s growing legion of nouveau riche. As FP’s Rachel Lu writes, “Their love for bling has become the backbone of the global luxury goods industry, yet they are also the subject of disdain, the butt of jokes, the punching bag for that which is offensive to good taste.” The collection of images that follows – of sprawling chateaus, gold bars displayed in suburban malls, a phone encrusted in ivory – depict the lavish and often-ludicrous lifestyles of the country’s tuhao.


一个新词“土豪”正在中国社交网络上广为流传,这个词是“土”(意思是“泥土”或“无教养的”)和“豪”(意思是“豪华”)的结合,是贬义词,指中国正在兴起的新富大军。正如《外交政策》Rachel Lu写的那样:“他们对穿金戴银的热衷已成为全球奢侈品产业的支柱,然而同时,他们又由于个人品味低下而受到鄙视、嘲笑和抨击。”随之而来的现象(如杂乱的山庄、郊区购物中心展示的金条以及象牙外壳的手机)的集合体,描述了这个国家“土豪”挥霍无度而又经常荒唐可笑的生活方式。