



A term originating in logic, and now widely used in syntax, semantics and pragmatics. In its strictest sense, scope is defined syntactically: if an operator O combines with some other expression E, then E is the scope of O. As a general illustration, in English the scope of negation typically extends from the negative word until the end of the clause. Adverbials, interrogative forms and quantifiers are among the expressions which are often analysed in terms of scope. Sentences where there is an ambiguity deriving from alternative scope interpretations are said to exhibit a scope ambiguity.


句法学、语义学和语用学用来指受某个形式的意义影响的语言片段;按形式表述法,如果一个算子(O)与一个语言表达式(E)结合(E. O.),E就是O的“辖域”。例如,英语中否定的辖域一般从否定词延伸到小句尾为止。状语、疑问形式和量词是必须参照辖域概念的一部分词语。由不同的辖域解释而导致的句子歧义有时称作辖域歧义。