Money Saving Tips for College Students
Take notice of what is provided below about how to save money while in college. You will find that all these helpful hints may not fit into your lifestyle, but by trying some of these savings techniques, you can avoid squandering your cash before your first semester is even over.
Use Financial Institutions
Whether it is the bank that is affiliated with your campus or a major credit card company, as a student, you should be immersed in the financial world and using any resources that come your way. Look into special accounts that are offered through banks for students.
Sometimes benefits such as free checking, special interest rates, or minimal fees are provided to students because banks understand that as young adults, you are new to the financial game. Banks should be treating you well at this point in your life because their hope is that when you graduate, get a great job, and make a large income, you will stick with their bank and keep your money there.
In addition to banks, you should be building up your credit score. Check out offers provided by major credit card companies that are specifically for college students. Special no interest rates and payment forgiveness are available through these cards. Using credit now will help you build up your score so that in the future, you may get loans for important milestones like a car or house.
Mind the Source of Textbooks
You should only buy your textbooks from the school store as a last resort; they immensely overcharge while there are so many better options out there. For starters, you can log on to and usually get a lower price. If you want to strive for a better deal, try sites like and eBay.
Sometimes older editions are available for a discounted price, but make sure that you check with your instructor to see that nothing has changed in the newer edition. Another thing that you can do to save a bit is to rent your textbooks. Renting can save you a lot in the long run, make sure that you aren’t going to need the book in the future.
Budget Meals
You will find that when in college you will spend an excessive amount of cash on food. When you’re on campus and have a break between classes, it will be tempting to grab a sandwich or snack from the local store.
Break the habit of buying food on the go. It is a waste of resources, and you will get extremely overcharged. Go to the grocery store and buy certain snacks and foods that you enjoy and plan out your meals daily. When you spend a bit of time and plan out what you will eat throughout the week, you will save a ton of dough. Those small food purchases add up, so cutting back that expense is a good use of time and energy.
Find a Job
While this won’t necessarily save you money, you can find a part-time opportunity to have the chance to earn some more. Look into your Student Life department and ask them what type of part-time work is available for students. Taking a minimum wage desk job will look great on a resume and make you a few extra bucks. Most of the time, since your job is through your school, they will also be more lenient and work around your class and study schedules.
College students have a tough task when it comes to saving and earning throughout their time in school since they are so busy trying to pass their courses. But with a little bit of info and some creative ideas about everyday items, you may see some success when it comes to saving money and making your funds last throughout your semesters.