Ancient Geoglyph Destroyed by Amazon Farming
Damage to the geoglyph on a farm in Brazil’s Acre state reveals the dangers agribusiness pose to Amazon heritage.
For decades, researchers have been uncovering archaeological treasures that prove complex civilisations existed in the Brazilian Amazon before colonialism. Perhaps the most fascinating are the more than 500 ancient geoglyphs revealed in Acre state since the 1970s.
But some of these enormous geometric designs, etched into or built onto the ground, have been destroyed even before scientists could learn about the civilisations behind them. At the end of last year, employees at Crixá farm levelled a geoglyph hundreds of square metres in size and thousands of years old to make way for grazing cattle and a corn plantation.
The damage was only recently discovered during a routine analysis by palaeontologist Alceu Ranzi, who has researched the structures for 40 years.
去年年底,克里萨农场的雇员摧毁了该地雕,但直到最近,研究地雕已40年之久的古生物学家阿尔塞乌·兰兹(Alceu Ranzi)才在一次例行分析中发现地雕被毁的事实。
“This is a historical monument of importance for all humanity,” said Ranzi, lamenting the loss of a design he himself had discovered in 2001. Ranzi had described the geoglyph as “an open-air museum that in no way hinders the development of agribusiness in the region”.
The geoglyph at Crixá farm, in Capixaba municipality, is not the first to succumb to the machines and agricultural expansion that are putting Acre’s heritage at risk in order to meet growing global demand for commodities like soy.
A few years ago, two geoglyphs in the state were lost to road-building: one to the BR-317, which opens up the Amazonian municipality of Boca do Acre; and the other to the BR-364 in the municipality of Brasiléia, an important route for local agribusiness. In both cases, the geoglyphs were only discovered during the works.
几年前,该州修建道路导致两处地雕消失:一条是亚马逊地区博卡杜·阿克里市(Boca do Acre)通往外界的BR-317号公路;另一条则是对巴西利亚市当地农业企业非常重要的BR-364号公路。这两处地雕都是在道路作业过程中才发现的。
The destruction of archaeological sites by public works is common in Amazonia. In Pará state, indigenous Munduruku fought for years to recover sacred urns unearthed during the construction of a hydroelectric dam.
The owner of Crixá farm, Assuero Veronez, who is also president of the Acre Federation of Agriculture, said the destruction of the geoglyph was an accident.
阿克里农业联合会的主席、克里萨农场的主人阿苏埃罗·韦罗内兹(Assuero Veronez)称,地雕被破坏纯属意外。
“A couple of years ago I told them not to interfere in the ditch area,” he said, adding: “I am willing to mitigate the damage as much as possible.”
Veronez is now awaiting a visit by staff from the Institute of National Historical and Artistic Heritage (Iphan), who will assess the damage to the site’s archaeological heritage. Ranzi’s complaint also mobilised the Federal Public Ministry and the federal police, who are investigating the case.
Geoglyphs: Humanity’s heritage
The archaeological site at Crixá farm appeared on the Indicative List of World Heritage sites that the Brazilian government presented to Unesco in 2015. In 2018, the 2,500-year-old geoglyph at the Jacó Sá archaeological site, 50 kilometres from Acre’s capital Rio Branco, became the first in the country to be listed as a cultural heritage site.
2015年巴西政府向联合国教科文组织《世界遗产名录》提交的参考清单中就包括这处位于克里萨农场的雅克萨考古遗址(Jacó Sá)。而这个具有2500年历史的地雕就位于该遗址中,那里距离阿克里州首府布兰科50公里。2018年,该地雕成为巴西首个被列入世界文化遗产名录的历史遗迹。
Researchers know very little about the history of Acre’s geoglyphs. Unlike the majority of those in Peru and England, rediscovered over a century ago, they are among the most recent to warrant archaeologists’ attention. These enormous figures drawn on the ground were only revealed at the end of the 20th century because of deforestation in the Amazon.
The lack of genetic material in their structures suggests that there were no villages there. Some studies have argued that they represent traces of civilisations that worshipped geometric gods, and perhaps set the stage for religious rituals.
Whatever their purpose, researchers agree that geoglyphs are essential for understanding the process of occupation and settlement in the Amazon region by ancient civilisations. They also offer clues as to whether the Amazon may have been a savannah thousands of years ago, when low vegetation may have facilitated the designs.
Growing agriculture
The governor of Acre, Gladson Cameli, entered office in 2019 promising to clear any obstacles to the growth of agribusiness in Acre. Following the example of neighbouring state Rondônia, the most deforested in the Amazon, Cameli advocated expanding soy and beef production.
2019年,阿克里州州长格拉德森·卡梅利(Gladson Cameli)上任时曾承诺会为阿克里州农业企业的发展扫清一切障碍,而且他还追随邻州朗多尼亚州(Rondônia,该州是亚马逊森林砍伐最严重的州)的脚步,主张扩大大豆和牛肉的生产。
However, Edivan Maciel, Acre’s production secretary said clearing new terrain wasn’t necessary: “We already have enough anthropised areas [land converted by humans] to increase production and make Acre a major export hub.”
但是,阿克里州生产秘书埃迪万·麦克尼尔(Edivan Maciel)表示,没必要开辟新的土地:“我们已经有足够的人为土地(被人类改造的土地)来增加产量,并使阿克里州成为主要的出口枢纽。”
The new project came after decades of a left-wing government that advocated an environmentally sustainable economy but that failed to bring economic and social development to the state, one of the poorest in Brazil.
This policy shift concerns Miguel Scarcello from non-governmental organisation SOS Amazônia. According to Scarcello, any large-scale economic activity related to land exploitation puts the Amazon at risk.
而这一政策的转变让环保组织SOS Amazônia的米格尔·斯卡尔赛罗(Miguel Scarcello)深感担忧。斯卡尔佩罗说,任何与土地开发相关的大规模经济活动都会使亚马逊陷入危险。
“Unfortunately, the Amazon is a constant target for exploiters and each time it becomes more difficult to monitor and control damaging actions,” Scarcello says.
One of the current administration’s most important projects is to create a special agricultural development zone in the region along the lines of Matopiba, a hub in the Cerrado savannah that has led to the destruction of half the biome’s native vegetation.
The area has been tentatively named Amacro, a combination of the states of Amazonas, Acre and Rondônia. The man behind the scheme is none other than the owner of Crixá farmer, Assuero Veronez. In a recent interview about the project with environmental news website O Eco, Veronez did not attempt to disguise the project’s potential to cause environmental destruction:
该地区暂被命名为Amacro,由亚马逊州、阿克里州和朗多尼亚州三个州的名字组合而成。背后推动该计划的正是克里萨农场的主人——阿苏埃罗·韦罗内兹(Assuero Veronez)。在环境新闻网站O Eco最近对该项目的采访中,韦罗内兹并未试图掩饰该项目破坏环境的可能性。
“Deforestation for us is synonymous with progress, as much as it can shock people. Acre has no ore, no tourism potential, what it has are the best lands in Brazil. But this land has a problem, a forest on top.”