Receiving Clients (2)

Receiving Clients (2)



A: Good afternoon! What can I do for you today?


B: Yes, I was wondering if I could speak to someone about investment accounts with your company?


A: Do you have an appointment with any of our financial advisors?


B: No... I wasn’t aware I needed to make an appointment...


A: Oh, it’s no problem, I can see if anyone is available now to meet with you. Can you please wait just a moment? Go ahead and have a seat, make yourself comfortable.


B: Thank you.


A: Thanks for waiting, I just talked to our crew. It’s a busy time for us right now, but if you don’t mind waiting about ten minutes, I can arrange for you to talk with Rebecca. She can help to answer the questions you have about investment accounts. Here, take this number, and we’ll let you know when it’s time; when your number is called, Rebecca will be ready to see you.


B: Where is her office?

B: 她的办公室在哪儿?

A: It’s on the third floor. Take the elevator at the front, and when you get off the elevator, it’s the first door on the left.

A: 在3层。您在前厅坐电梯,出电梯左边第一个门就是。

B: Thank you, I am sure I shouldn’t have any problems finding it.

B: 谢谢,我想我应该能找到的。